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Start with Foundations classes
You can learn as fast as you want (13 hours) or take your time and work along with your on-screen instructor. You can pause, rewind, and resume at any time.
Bookkeeping Fundamentals
An interactive class that introduces you to bookkeeping principles to help you understand debits and credits, financial statements, and much more.
Beyond the basics
Take your QuickBooks skills to the next level with advanced classes. You’ll learn how to use QuickBooks for different industries, how to build custom reports, and much more.
Classes going on now
All class times listed below are Central time
Date & Time | Class Title | Instructor |
Mon 03/17 10:00AM-11:30AM | Foundations: How to Get Started for Desktop | |
Mon 03/17 11:45AM-1:15PM | Foundations: How to Get Started for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Mon 03/17 1:30PM-3:00PM | Foundations: Track Your Who, What and Why with Lists for Desktop | |
Tue 03/18 10:00AM-11:30AM | Foundations: Track Your Who, What and Why with Lists for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Tue 03/18 11:45AM-1:15PM | Foundations: Where'd My Money Go? Understanding Financial Statements for Desktop | |
Tue 03/18 1:30PM-3:00PM | Foundations: Where'd My Money Go? Understanding Financial Statements for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Wed 03/19 10:00AM-11:30AM | Beyond Foundations: Sales Tax for Online | |
Wed 03/19 11:45AM-1:15PM | Foundations: How to Track and Record Sales for Desktop | |
Wed 03/19 1:30PM-3:00PM | Foundations: How to Track and Record Sales for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Thu 03/20 10:00AM-11:30AM | Foundations: How to Track and Record Expenses for Desktop | |
Thu 03/20 11:45AM-1:15PM | Foundations: How to Track and Record Expenses for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Thu 03/20 1:30PM-3:00PM | Foundations: Best Tricks to Save Time for Desktop | |
Fri 03/21 10:00AM-11:30AM | Foundations: Best Tricks to Save Time for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Fri 03/21 11:45AM-1:15PM | Bookkeeping Fundamentals: Complex Entries/Bookkeeping Extras | |
Fri 03/21 1:30PM-3:00PM | Foundations: How to Use Bank Feeds for Desktop |
Date & Time | Class Title | Instructor |
Mon 03/24 10:00AM-11:30AM | Foundations: How to Use Online Banking for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Mon 03/24 11:45AM-1:15PM | Foundations: Did I Do This Right? Reconcile Your Accounts for Desktop | |
Mon 03/24 1:30PM-3:00PM | Foundations: Did I Do This Right? Reconcile Your Accounts for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Tue 03/25 10:00AM-11:30AM | Foundations: Security and Avoiding Embezzlement for Desktop | |
Tue 03/25 11:45AM-1:15PM | Foundations: Security and Avoiding Embezzlement for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Tue 03/25 1:30PM-3:00PM | Beyond Foundations: Wrangle Your Receipts for Online | |
Wed 03/26 10:00AM-11:30AM | Foundations: Year-End Tasks for Desktop | |
Wed 03/26 11:45AM-1:15PM | Foundations: Year-End Tasks for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Wed 03/26 1:30PM-3:00PM | Foundations: Set Up and Run Payroll for Desktop | |
Thu 03/27 10:00AM-11:30AM | Foundations: Set Up and Run Payroll for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Thu 03/27 11:45AM-1:15PM | Foundations: Run Reports for Desktop | |
Thu 03/27 1:30PM-3:00PM | Foundations: Run Reports for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Fri 03/28 10:00AM-11:30AM | Beyond Foundations: Unlock Your Profit Potential: Projects & Job Costing for Online and Intuit Enterprise Suite | |
Fri 03/28 11:45AM-1:15PM | Beyond Foundations: Wrangle Your Receipts for Desktop | |
Fri 03/28 1:30PM-3:00PM | Bookkeeping Fundamentals: Payroll |
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Learn about accounting: debits and credits
100+ self-paced and live mini-classes
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Our live mini-classes
Select a class to learn more about it.
Set up your company account
Import your data
Setup accounts/beginning balances
Enter historical transactions
Learn how to get around
Explore transactions
Set up lists of customers, vendors, and accounts
Add, edit, merge, & delete list entries
Organize lists with subaccount
Set up and use products/services
Organize your Chart of Accounts
Learn how to read a Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement
Understand which types of accounts appear on each statement
Explore insights from the Statement of Cash Flow
Record multi-entity transactions
Run multi-entity financial statements
Use the Customers List to track who you sell to
Learn when to use an invoice vs. sales receipt
Use undeposited funds to combine multiple customer payments into a single deposit
Generate statements for customers
Run sales reports
Track sales info with custom fields
Customize sales forms
Send estimates to customers
Generate invoices from approved estimates
Vendor and contractor setup
Understand when to use a bill vs. a check or expense
Enter and Pay Bills
Record and Print Checks
Set up and use credit cards
Enter and use credits from vendors
Run reports to track your spending
View multiple screens/companies
Customize the Left Nav
Set up reminders for you or your customers
Schedule recurring transactions
Find transactions with register tips
Enter sales quickly with bundles
Save time with reports
Customize forms using templates
Discover keyboard shortcuts
Download transactions directly from your bank and credit cards
Learn when to Add, Match, Confirm, or Exclude transactions
Enter details on downloaded transactions
Learn why, when, and how to reconcile your bank and credit card accounts!
Define fraud and understand why embezzlement happens
Reduce opportunities for fraud
Explore your options if you are a victim
Spot discrepancies to help avoid bigger problems
Manage user permissions
Access the mobile app
Check your fiscal year settings
Clean up customer and vendor account balances
Run financial statements to identify and fix potential problems
Reconcile accounts
Schedule a physical inventory count
Review 1099 vendors
Close your books
Add your accountant to review your books
Decide which payroll subscription is right for you
Set up employees
Enter payroll history
Pay employees for the first time
Explore the types of reports
Customize columns
Filter reports to see just the info you need
Sort reports by date, customer, or item
Save report customizations
Set up email schedules for reports
Set up and use projects
Learn 3 methods to record project invoices
Enter change orders
Track project related expenses
Review project profitability
Generate helpful project reports
Close completed projects
New to bookkeeping? Or need a refresher on that accounting class you took in college? Join us for the first class in our popular 6-part Bookkeeping Fundamentals series.
Define accounting
Identify the steps of the accounting cycle
Determine when to record an activity in your books
Learn the accounting equation
Record transactions with Assets, Liabilities, and Equity
Differentiate between assets and expenses
Explore how income and expense accounts affect equity
Review how transactions affect financial statements
New to bookkeeping? Or need a refresher on that accounting class you took in college? Join us for the second class in our popular 6-part Bookkeeping Fundamentals series.
Define debits/credits
Use T-Accounts to record debits & credits
Enter the debits/credits for common transactions
Learn how journal entries appear in the General Ledger
Interpret transaction journals in accounting software
Discover the history of double-entry accounting
New to bookkeeping? Or need a refresher on that accounting class you took in college? Join us for the third class in our popular 6-part Bookkeeping Fundamentals series.
Understand when and why you reconcile accounts
Identify which accounts to reconcile
Reconcile a bank account
Handle outstanding transactions/correct mistakes
Understand how financial statements measure business activity
Analyze budgets and expenses with statements
Identify potential problems using comparative financial statements
Organize accounts on the Chart of Accounts
Explore best practices for naming accounts
Use account types to determine how accounts affect financial statements
New to bookkeeping? Or need a refresher on that accounting class you took in college? Join us for the fourth class in our popular 6-part Bookkeeping Fundamentals series.
Apply the Revenue Recognition Principle & the Matching Principle
Generate Accounts Receivable & Accounts Payable balances
Combine customer deposits with Undeposited Funds
Differentiate between Cash & Accrual basis accounting
Monitor cash flow with the Statement of Cash Flows
New to bookkeeping? Or need a refresher on that accounting class you took in college? Join us for the fifth class in our popular 6-part Bookkeeping Fundamentals series.
Describe common adjusting entries
See how Retained Earnings impacts financial statements
Account for Depreciation of assets & bad debt
Apply the Cost Principle
Record inventory purchases & sales with Debits & Credits
Record journal entries for loans & the purchase of fixed assets
Define & apply inventory valuation methods
Learn when & how to adjust inventory
Learn tricks for memorizing account types
Explore why & how to record prepaid expenses
New to bookkeeping? Or need a refresher on that accounting class you took in college? Join us for the final class in our popular 6-part Bookkeeping Fundamentals series.
Account for the full cost of payroll to a business
Record payroll transactions with debits & credits
Analyze the payroll journal entry
Create a client-accountant agreement
Use QuickBooks to help you track paper records
Reconcile regularly
Make year-end adjustments in QuickBooks
Alyssa helps you navigate some of the trickiest bookkeeping terrain you might encounter!
Receive customer deposits/prepayments
Record invoice overpayments
Explore the bounced payments workflow
Trade bills with invoice payments
Record owner transactions
Write off bad debt
Join us in this class to learn how to tailor your software to fit your needs.
Modify important account settings
Use classes and locations to divide your company’s info
Create and use custom fields
Organize your customer list with customer types
Import list info
Use reports to export list info
Optimize reports before exporting to Excel
Import budgets from Excel
Create and export Management reports
Join us in this class to learn how to organize and use items & inventory.
Learn the difference between products and services
Organize your Products and Services List
Manage Inventory
Purchase Inventory
Run item & inventory reports
Navigate the app
Record transactions
Snap receipts
Track mileage
Join us in this class to learn how to track and pay sales tax.
Learn why you need to track sales tax
Set up sales tax tracking
Run sales tax reports
Make adjustments to what you owe
Record sales tax payments
Learn the best tips & tricks for tracking time!
Setup time
Learn to record time
Invoice your customers for time
Pay employees for time
Run time tracking reports
Learn to use the Receipts feature!
Learn ways to upload receipts
Review receipts
Match receipts to existing transactions
Attach receipts manually
Build reports from scratch
Troubleshoot report filters
Combine reports from multiple companies
Schedule reports to send to others
Record and track employee loan and repayment
Decide where you see payroll expenses on the Profit & Loss
Print Paychecks & Pay Stubs
Setup company/employee insurance and retirement items
Enter a Net to Gross bonus check
Set up and pay employee garnishment
Run advanced Payroll Reports
Set up and maintain lines of credit
Record employee and owner purchases
Record and use deposits given to vendors
Record refunds from vendors
Set up multicurrency
Add and edit foreign currency accounts
Add foreign currency customers and vendors
Work with exchange rates
Create multicurrency transactions
Enter home currency adjustments
Write off bad debts
Record late fees
Transfer balances between customers/vendors
Record returns on partially paid invoices
Account for committed costs to ensure accurate project reporting
Explore how estimates and change orders can help you track your project data clearly
Set up accounts and products and services for tracking retainage withheld and billed
Determine work in progress amounts and move costs to proper reporting period
What to look for in Financial Reports
Efficient ways to follow-up with customers
Use A/R and A/P Aging Reports to clean up
Clean up your lists
Close your books to protect your data
Reconcile bank & credit card accounts
Confirm/adjust account balances
Clean up customer/vendor account balances
Close your books
Learn from the most knowledgeable and helpful instructors in the world